Beaver Bitcoin
Beaver Builder Hero Image

Stack like an

Invite your friends to Beaver
Get paid in bitcoin
Get started with email
Become a Beaver Builder and receive:
A referral link and custom landing page to share.
21% of Beaver’s fees on every purchase made by your referrals for one year.
Monthly payouts in bitcoin to your wallet.

How It Works


Become a Builder

Sign up and create your custom referral link. Open to anyone. No Beaver account required.


Share your link

Share your link where people will see it. Text message, social media, videos, articles, groups, billboards, projected onto banks, HAM radio.


Get paid

Monthly payouts in bitcoin via the Lightning network.


How do I earn bitcoin for my referrals?

You earn 21% of the fee revenue generated by your referrals. Beaver charges a 1.5% fee for bitcoin purchases, and you take home 21% of that amount. A referral for you is anyone who signs up for Beaver from your personal referral link URL e.g,

Do I need a Beaver account to join the referral program?

No. The referral program is open to anyone, including those who live outside of Canada.

Do I need to live in Canada to join the referral program?

No. Anyone can participate in the referral program. Keep in mind Beaver Bitcoin only serves Canadians and requires customers to have a Canadian bank account.

What exactly is my custom referral link?

Your custom referral link opens a carbon copy of the Beaver Bitcoin homepage with the addition of a personalized banner featuring your name, photo, quote and social links. Here’s an example of a fully customized Beaver Bitcoin referral page. Your URL will be[YOU] or whatever text you choose after the forward slash.

How do I get paid?

Referral payouts happen monthly and are sent via the Bitcoin Lightning network. During the referral program sign up we ask you to provide a Lightning address.

How do I get a Lightning Address?

A Bitcoin Lightning address looks like an email (eg, and allows you to receive Bitcoin Lightning payments to a Lightning wallet. Many apps allow you to create a Lightning Address. We recommendCoinos,and providea step-by-step guide to creating a Lightning Address.

How much can I earn?

Your earnings depend entirely on how much bitcoin your referrals purchase from Beaver. If you refer a whale you’ll earn more than if you refer a shrimp.

Do you have an affiliate program?

Yes. If you’re an affiliate aficionado (you have a high traffic website, or a huge YouTube channel) you can apply to our affiliate program which includes a dashboard for tracking your signups and payouts.

This sounds cool but I’m totally lost.

Don’t worry, we’re here to help.Shoot us a message hereand we’ll get back to you.

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